If you’ve heard of the Enneagram
You’re In Good Company!
Why the Enneagram?
My individual, team and corporate clients find the Enneagram to be a unique and powerful framework for deeper illumination of self and other awareness which translates to performance, productivity, cohesion and enagagment!
My clients report significant enhancement of their personal effectiveness as mentors, coaches, and leaders because the tool enhances:
- Emotional intelligence
- Vertical development
- Discovery of individual, collaborative and shared leadership approaches.
- Perspective taking
- Communication effectiveness

Grow Leader Awareness
One of the top take-aways from my workshops and team development retreats is the realization of “how others see me“.
This is not surprising in light of the research highlighting that a leader’s self-perception does not necessarily match their reputation.
Effective leaders have high levels of self-awareness. And executive presence is wholly dependent on the leader’s reputation.
A combination of assessment options will be helpful depending on your specific objectives. But the Enneagram system is an incredibly robust and practical tool to explore the potential gap between how a leader sees himself or herself and his or her real reputation.
Endless Practical Application
In addition to supporting leader, team and organizational development the Enneagram system illuminates personal and interpersonal dynamics with insights for:
- Team Strategic Planning
- What’s My Leadership Approach?
- Nine Types of Deep Motivation
- Communication and Conflict Superpowers
- Effective Change Management
- Maximizing Performance and Productivity
- Transform the Stuck. Repurpose the Yuck!

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Ready to get started?
Let’s coffee talk! For you, your team, your leadership- all of the above. Click the “Let’s Chat” button to send an email straight to my inbox to set up a time. I look forward to hearing more about where you are on your trek and where you want to go!